

  • 16
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:中外合资经营企业
  • 公司地址: 陕西省 西安市 西安市 西安市友谊路
  • 姓名: 卫棋
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    We are the factory of Creative brand 3/3.5/5.6Gauge Hand Knitting Machines & parts Winder,7Needle Transfer Tool for 3/3.5/5.6Gauge,Blank Punchcard and most parts of same Brother 868/838,260/230 & Silver reed codes .Our latest Hand CG170 7mm/3.5 Gauge Double Bed with Stand Type is already with Intarsia Function instead of the Carriage. Standing in this line for ten years,we also process and export knitted products . Market is good there so we are finding dealers/partners there all the time. Our machines were sold to US& Canada,Auatralia,India(200sets embr. 2003),Brazil,etc. The quality is good but with much more favorable price comparing with Tajima,ZSK,Tajima,Brother ,Silver reed,etc. Being the first manufacturer of embroidery and knitting machine in China,we began from making Hand knitti.. (>>查看全部)
    经营范围 公司主要经营knitting machine, calligraphy , 大草书法 , 东方白 , 毛, We are the factory of Creative brand 3/3.5/5.6Gauge Hand Knitting Machines & parts Winder,7Needle Transfer Tool for 3/3.5/5.6Gauge,Blank Punchcard and most parts of same Brother 868/83